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Why you should join our talent network
Get access to top companies
If you're contacted about an open position and we believe you are a good fit, your able to cut in front of the line and interview directly with the hiring manager. No more waiting to know if your application was accepted—we'll give you an answer within a week.

Get a fair chance at getting hired
Do you know the feeling of walking into a job interview knowing that you're the best candidate for the job, but you still don't get it? We do, too. That's why we created Staffplex. Staffplex helps companies make unbiased hiring decisions so that everyone gets a fair chance of getting hired.
Reach your career goals
If you're looking for an opportunity to grow and develop your skills, we have the job for you. We work with companies that believe in employee development and are able recognize good work. Our clients are looking for people who can hit the ground running, who can take initiative, and who will quickly become a key player on their team.